What types of folds can I do?
Folders sold by PHE are capable of all of the standard folds, some machines are auto set up some are manual set up, some have pre-programmed fold types in memory for simple selection, fold types include ½ fold Z fold V fold, double fold and gate fold as standard.
What should I do if there is a paper jam?
Try to manually take the paper from the rollers, never use any sort of sharp object such as scissors or a knife as this may damage the rollers, if it is not possible to clear the machine then call 1800 632 200 for further help.
What is the warranty period and what does it cover?
The warranty period is 12 months and covers all parts and labour.
Does my folding machine require maintenance or service?
Folding machines use feed tyres and separator pads as part of the feed system, these parts do ware and need replacing at some stage, these are long lasting items so replacement is only required after heavy usage for extended periods of time.
How many pages can it fold at a time?/per hour?
Most folding machines feed one page at a time automatically at speeds from 4000 per hour to 13000 per hour, the Martin Yale A4 folding machine also accepts stapled sheets up to 3 to fold as one.
Can my folding machine do A3 paper?
The below list shows accepted paper sizes.
- Martin Yale 7400 A4
- Superfax PF340 all sizes up to A3
- Superfax PF440 all sizes up to A3
- Superfax PF460 all sizes up to A3
What folding machine is best for me?
This depends on your application and the type of paper your using, it would be best to talk to our customer support team to ascertain the most appropriate model.